How to Archive Messages on Instagram: A Complete Guide (2024)

Ever feel like your Instagram inbox is overflowing? I know I do! That’s where archiving messages comes in handy. It’s like tidying up your digital space without actually deleting anything.

Archiving lets you hide chats from your main inbox. This way, you can keep your most important convos front and centre. It’s perfect for decluttering without losing any messages you might need later.

In this guide, I’ll show you how to archive messages. It works for personal and business accounts. I’ll also share some tips I’ve picked up to help you make the most of this feature.

1. What is Archiving on Instagram?

Archiving on Instagram is like putting messages in a special folder. They’re out of sight but not gone for good.

When you archive a chat, it disappears from your main inbox. But here’s the cool part—you can still find it later if needed. It’s different from deleting, which gets rid of the messages forever.

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I love using Archive for chats that I don’t need right now but might want to look at later. Maybe it’s a conversation about plans for next year or a chat with a friend I don’t talk to as often. Archiving keeps these messages safe without cluttering my inbox.

2. How to Archive Messages on Instagram: Step-by-Step Guide

Alright, let’s get into the nitty-gritty of how to archive those messages. It’s super easy; I promise!

Step 1: Switch to a Professional Account

Instagram now requires a professional account to archive messages. Here’s how to switch:

  1. Open Instagram app
  2. Tap your profile icon (bottom right)
  3. Tap “Edit Profile”
  4. Scroll down and tap “Switch to Professional Account”
  5. Follow on-screen prompts to complete
step 1 1

Step 2: Archive Messages

Once you have a professional account:

  1. Open Instagram app
  2. Tap the paper aeroplane icon (top right) for messages
  3. Find a conversation that you want to archive
  4. Long press OR swipe left on the chat
  5. Tap “Move to General”

That’s it! The chat will now be hidden from your main inbox.

step 2 2

Want to learn more about managing your Instagram? Check out these helpful links:

3. How to Unarchive Messages on Instagram

Sometimes you might want to bring a chat back from the archive. No problem! Here’s how:

Step 1: Access Your General Inbox

  1. Open the Instagram app
  2. Tap the paper aeroplane icon (top right)
  3. Look for the “General” section in your inbox

Step 2: Unarchive the Chat

  1. Find the conversation you want to unarchive
  2. Long press OR swipe left on the chat
  3. Tap “Move to Primary”
steps to how to unarchive masages on instagram

I’ve had to do this a few times when an old conversation suddenly became relevant again. It’s always a relief to know those archived chats are just a few taps away.

4. Tips for Organizing Archived Messages

Over time, your archive can get pretty full. Here are some tips I’ve learned to keep it organized:

  • Create categories in your mind for different types of chats. Maybe “Friends”, “Work”, “Family”, etc.
  • Review your archive every few months. You might find chats you can delete for good.
  • Keep important chats at the top by sending a quick message before archiving.

I like to do a quick archive clean-up every New Year. It’s a great way to start fresh!


Q: Can you archive messages without a business account?

A: Yes! Personal accounts can archive messages too.

Q: What happens to messages in Vanish Mode?

A: They disappear after being seen. Poof! Gone!

Q: How many chats can you archive?

A: As many as you want! There’s no limit.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Sometimes things don’t work quite right. Here are some fixes I’ve found:

  • Can’t find archived messages? Make sure you’re in the right section of your inbox.
  • Different devices showing different things? Log out and back in on both to sync up.


Archiving messages on Instagram is a super handy way to keep your inbox clean and organized. You can do it with a personal or business account. It’s easy and can help you stay on top of your messages.

Give it a try! I bet you’ll love how much cleaner your inbox feels. And remember, your archived messages are always there if you need them.


Hi, I’m Fahad! With 5+ years of experience using Instagram, I turn common frustrations into in-depth, tested, and safe guides to solve real problems and enhance your social media presence.

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