Secret Trick: How to Hide Instagram Reels from Anyone Easily

Instagram Reels are fun, but sometimes you want to keep them private. Maybe your boss is following you, or your ex is still lurking around your profile. Whatever the reason, I get it. I’ve been there too.

There are a few ways to hide your Reels from specific people. Some are easy, some take a bit more work. But don’t worry, I’ll walk you through all of them.

Ready to take control of who sees your Reels? Let’s get started!

1. Using Instagram’s Privacy Settings

Instagram’s privacy settings are your first line of defence. I use these all the time to keep my content away from prying eyes.

Here’s how to do it:

STEP #1: Open Instagram and go to your profile

STEP #2: Tap the three lines in the top right

STEP #3: Scroll down to ‘Hide Story and Live’

STEP #4: Tap on ‘Hide Story and Live’

STEP #5: Select the user that you want to hide your reel.

STEP #6: Click on “Done” in the top right

Method 1

Now, here’s the cool part. When you hide your stories from someone, it also hides your Reels. Pretty neat, right?

Look for “Hide story and live videos from”. Tap it and choose who you want to hide from. No biggie!

I love this method because it’s quick and doesn’t alert the other person. They’ll never know you’ve hidden your content from them.

Remember, you can always change these settings later. I check mine every few months to make sure they’re still how I want them to be.

2. Blocking Specific Users

Blocking is the nuclear option. It’s what I use when I don’t want someone seeing my stuff.

To block someone:

STEP #1: Go to their profile.

STEP #2: Tap the three dots in the top-right corner.

STEP #3: Choose ‘Block’

method 2

When you block someone:

  • They can’t see your posts.
  • They can’t find your profile.
  • They can’t see your stories or Reels.

It’s that simple. But remember, blocking is obvious. If they try to find you, they’ll know you’ve blocked them.

I’ve used this when an ex wouldn’t stop watching my stories. It worked like a charm, but it did cause some drama. Use with caution!

3. Switching to a Private Account

Going private is like putting a bouncer on your profile. Only the people you approve can view your content.

Here’s how to go private:

STEP #1: Go to your profile.

STEP #2: Tap the three lines.

STEP #3: Hit “Settings and Privacy”.

STEP #4: Find and Tap ” Account Privacy”

STEP #5: Toggle on “Private Account”.

method 3

I switched to a private account last year and it’s been great. I can post freely without worrying about who’s watching.

But there’s a downside. If you’re trying to grow your following, a private account makes it much harder. Think about what’s more important to you: privacy or growth.

4. Using the “Close Friends” Feature

The Close Friends feature is like a VIP list for your content. I use it all the time for my more personal Reels.

Here’s how to set it up:

STEP #1: Go to your profile.

STEP #2: Tap the three lines.

STEP #3: Choose “Close Friends”.

STEP #4: Add people to your list.

method 4

Now, when you post a Reel, you can choose to share it only with your Close Friends.

I love this feature because it lets me share different content with different groups. My work friends see one side of me, my family another side.

Remember to check your list regularly. You don’t want to accidentally leave someone on there who shouldn’t be there!

5. Restricting an Account

Restricting is like a softer version of blocking. It’s perfect for those annoying followers you can’t quite bring yourself to block.

To restrict someone:

STEP #1: Go to their profile.

STEP #2: Tap the three dots.

STEP #3: Choose ‘Restrict’

method 5

When you restrict someone:

  • Their comments are only visible to themselves.
  • They can’t see when you’re online.
  • Their messages go to your request folder.

I’ve used this on a few overzealous fans. It keeps them at arm’s length without the drama of a full block.

The best part? They have no idea they’ve been restricted. It’s your little secret.

6. Unfollowing Specific Accounts

Unfollowing is a subtle way to create distance. When you unfollow someone, your Reels are less likely to show up in their feed.

To unfollow:

STEP #1: Go to their profile.

STEP #2: Tap ‘Following’

STEP #3: Choose ‘Unfollow’

method 6

I’ve used this when I wanted to quietly step back from a friendship. It’s less harsh than blocking but still creates some space.

Keep in mind, they might notice you’ve unfollowed them. And they can still search for your profile and see your Reels if you’re public.


Q: Can I make my Reels visible to only a select group?

A: Yes! Use the Close Friends feature to share Reels with a specific group.

Q: Can I hide Reels from someone without blocking them?

A: Absolutely. Use the privacy settings to hide your stories and Reels from specific people.

Q: What happens to my Reels if I block someone after posting?

A: They won’t be able to see any of your content, including past Reels.


There you have it, folks! Seven solid ways to hide your Reels from people on Instagram. From tweaking your privacy settings to going full-on private, you’ve got options.

Remember, it’s your profile and your content. Don’t be afraid to set boundaries and control who sees what.

What’s your favourite way to manage your Instagram privacy? Drop a comment below and let me know. And if this post helped you out, why not share it with a friend? We could all use a little more privacy savvy in our lives!

Stay safe out there, and happy Reeling!


Hi, I’m Fahad! With 5+ years of experience using Instagram, I turn common frustrations into in-depth, tested, and safe guides to solve real problems and enhance your social media presence.

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