How to Fix ‘Couldn’t Load Activity’ Error on Instagram

Hey there! Ever been scrolling through Instagram? You’re eager to check your likes and comments, only to be hit with that annoying “Couldn’t Load Activity” error.

I feel your pain. It’s happened to me more times than I’d like to admit. Let’s dive into what this pesky error means and how we can fix it.

Common Instagram Errors and Their Causes

Common Instagram Couldn't load Errors and Their Causes

1. The “Couldn’t Load Activity” Error

  • Instagram’s Busy: Sometimes the app’s servers are swamped or taking a break.
  • Internet Troubles: Your network might be slow or spotty.
  • App Oopsies: The Instagram app itself might have some glitches.
  • Phone Problems: Your device could be out of date or full of junk data.

2. When Posts Won’t Show Up

  • All the same stuff from above, plus:
  • Maybe the post got deleted or someone blocked you. Ouch!

3. Feed Won’t Refresh

  • Usually means your internet is acting up or Instagram’s having a moment.

4. Uh-oh, Action Block!

  • This happens if Instagram thinks you’re breaking the rules, like following too many people too fast.

5. Couldn’t Load User Messages

  • Unstable Internet Connection: Inconsistent connections may cause Instagram to fail to load user data.
  • Instagram Server Issues: Instagram may be experiencing temporary server problems or outages.
  • Outdated App Version: Instagram may not load correctly if you use an outdated version.
  • User Blocking You: Their profile details, including messages, won’t load if they’ve blocked you.
  • Account Deactivation: The user may have deactivated their account.
  • App Cache Problems: Corrupted cache files can interfere with app performance.
  • Too Many Requests: Making too many requests to view a user’s profile in a short period can trigger temporary restrictions.

How to Fix All Instagram Loading Issues: Step-by-Step Solutions

1. Check Your Internet

First things first, let’s make sure your internet isn’t the culprit. I once spent an hour trying to fix this error, only to realize my WiFi was off. Embarrassing, right?

  • Try switching between WiFi and mobile data
  • Head to and run a quick speed test
  • If your internet’s slow, try resetting your router
network speed cheak

2. Give Your Feed a Good Refresh

Sometimes, all Instagram needs is a little wake-up call:

  • Open the app
  • Put your finger at the top of the screen
  • Swipe down and let go
  • Watch for that spinning circle at the top

If that doesn’t work, let’s move on to the next step.

3. Restart the Instagram App

This is like giving Instagram a little nap. Here’s how:

On Android:

  1. Go to Settings > Apps > Instagram
  2. Tap “Force Stop”
  3. Reopen the app
method 1 1

On iPhone:

  1. Swipe up from the bottom (or double-tap home button on older models)
  2. Swipe Instagram off the screen
  3. Reopen the app

4. Clear the Cache

Your app might be holding onto old data. Let’s clean it out:

  1. Go to Settings > Apps > Instagram
  2. Tap “Storage”
  3. Hit “Clear Cache”
method 2 1

5. Update Instagram

An outdated app can cause all sorts of trouble. I learned this the hard way when I couldn’t post for a week. Here’s how to update:

  • On Android: Open the Google Play Store, search for Instagram, and tap”Update”.
  • On iPhone: Open the App Store, go to Updates, find Instagram, and tap “Update”.
method 3 1

6. Uninstall and Reinstall Instagram

If all else fails, sometimes you’ve gotta start fresh:

  1. Press and hold the Instagram icon.
  2. Tap “Uninstall” or “Remove App”.
  3. Go to your Google Play Store Or App Store.
  4. Search for Instagram and reinstall.

Don’t worry, your account and pics will still be there when you log back in.

7. Disable VPN

VPNs are great for privacy, but they can sometimes clash with Instagram. Here’s why:

  1. IP address issues: Instagram might get confused by IP address issues. It sees you logging in from different countries every time you use your VPN. This can trigger security measures, causing the “Couldn’t Load Activity” error.
  2. Slow connections: Some VPNs can slow down your internet. I once used a free VPN that made my Instagram slower than a snail! If your connection is too slow, Instagram might struggle to load your activity.
  3. Blocked IP ranges: Instagram sometimes blocks VPN IP addresses. This is to prevent spam and fake accounts. If your VPN’s IP is on this list, you’re out of luck.
  4. Server location problems: VPN server location matters. If it’s in a country that restricts Instagram, you may have problems.

8. Log out and Log Back In

Sometimes, your account needs a refresh:

  1. Go to your profile
  2. Tap the three lines in the top right
  3. Scroll down and tap “Log Out”
  4. Log back in
method 4 1

9. Try a Professional Account

Switching to a professional account can sometimes fix weird issues:

  1. Go to profile
  2. Click on “Edit Profile”
  3. Tap “Switch to Professional Account”
  4. Follow the prompts

You can always switch back later if you want.

method 5 1

10. Check for Instagram Server Status

Sometimes, the problem isn’t on your end. Check if Instagram is Server down:

  1. Go to
  2. Search for Instagram
  3. See if others are reporting issues

If Instagram’s having a bad day, you might have to wait it out.

11. Reach Out to Instagram support

If nothing’s working, it’s time to call out to Instagram Support:

  1. Go to Settings > Help > Report a Problem
  2. Explain what’s happening
  3. Hit send and cross your fingers


Q: Why does my Instagram keep saying it can’t load activity?

A: It could be due to internet issues, app glitches, or Instagram server problems. Try the steps above to fix it.

Q: How long does Instagram block your activity?

A: Instagram doesn’t usually “block” activity. If you’ve seen this error for a long time, it’s likely a technical issue, not a block.


There you have it! A bunch of ways to kick that “Couldn’t Load Activity” error to the curb. Remember, start with the simple fixes and work your way up. Most of the time, a quick refresh or restart does the trick.

If you’re still stuck, don’t be afraid to reach out to Instagram support. They might take a while to respond, but they’re there to help.

Keep scrolling, posting, and enjoying Instagram. Also, check the solution for how to stop auto-scrolling. Then, see the sent request.


Hi, I’m Fahad! With 5+ years of experience using Instagram, I turn common frustrations into in-depth, tested, and safe guides to solve real problems and enhance your social media presence.

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